Friday, November 4, 2011

Judge not lest you be judged! (what?!)

Due to recent conversations I decided to write this post.  Exposing theology that is damaging to the body is a duty I believe belongs to everyone.  So often I see people claiming the name of Christ and then approving of things that are obviously not of Him.  It's one thing to fall short due to our sinful nature, it's another to be in disobedience and act like you're not. 

In order to keep myself from rambling, I'm gonna try to keep some structure to this.  Here are the problems and misconceptions I'm seeing very often in the theology of people that claim to be "Christians".

1)  Attitude towards the act of sinning.
2)  Attitude towards being held accountable vs. being judged.
3)  What is done because of our sinning.

A right view of sin and it's source is CRUCIAL to having a correct view of God's love.

" Change is a process, I'm a "work-in-progress", just because you don't see it doesn't mean it's not happening."

If you ever have to tell another Christian that you are a work in progress or "This is how God made me.", it's a good indicator that your view of sin is off.  Think this logic through : Since we are a "work-in-progress" until the day we die (sanctification), and use this as a cop-out when we sin, when will that excuse not be applicable?  If I commit the exact same sin 30 years from now, can't I just say then also that I'm being worked on?  Don't misunderstand me, if we are still struggling with the same things a decade later does not mean we aren't Christian or that God is not working in our lives.  But being able to view our sin in an "oh well" kind of attitude is terrible, especially if we try to convince someone else to have that same view.  Do people not understand what happens each and everytime that we sin?  Do you not know that when you sin you are spitting in the face of Christ as He is hanging on the cross?  When you KNOW what you are supposed to be doing according to His word and you choose something different, you are telling God that you know better.  This is better observed in next topic.

Being held accountable and being judged is not the same thing.  One is something we are all called to and the other is God's justice.

" your opinion in other's changes through their beliefs is simply your opinion, discouraging to others, and ungodly according to the scripture."

(Hey look Romans! The book I live in)
Romans 14:4  Who are you to judge another's servant?  To his own master he stands or falls.  Indeed, he will be made to stand, for God is able to make him stand.

Romans 14:10  But why do you judge your brother?  Or why do you show contempt for your brother?  For we shall all stand before the judgement seat of Christ.

(This Scripture is actually supportive of the argument.  It's only posted because it has been used by others.  Other translations have this verse wierd and misleading.  NKJV here.)
Romans 14:22  Do you have faith?  Have it to yourself before God.  Happy is he who does not condemn himself in what he approves.

Here's a scenario:  Let's say I have a problem with anger.  I stuggle daily with getting into my flesh and lashing out at the people around me.  One night things get a little out of hand between my wife and I.  There's a lot of yelling, a lot of cussing and I end up punching her in the face.  Later that evening I post a video of this entire exchange.

Let's say this is posted on facebook and a friend of mine makes a comment about how that it is horrible and I should repent.  What if I said to him/her "hey man, i'm a work-in-progress, don't judge me."  Wouldn't that be absolutely ridiculous??  The issue here isn't whether or not i'm a Christian, whether or not i'm "changing", whether or not i'm growing;  The fact that I posted it communicates to everyone that I approve of it or else I wouldn't have posted it.  In fact, the judgement was made when I posted the video, my friend was just holding me accountable.  The accountability was based upon scripture.  The judgement spoken of in the bible (apart from the fact that the above scriptures were taken out of context, referring to judging your brother according to liberties NOT on obedience) is not the same as being held accountable by a fellow Christian.

The issue is not whether or not the bible says it's a sin to drink. The instant you put it out there for others to see you have given it approval.  We are supposed to be ABOVE reproach.  When being held accountable, if any response other than "you're right" (if it is according to Scripture), then our heart is not right.  Not only this, if we are claiming the name of Christ and yet give the image that it's okay to do things that are OBVIOUSLY NOT ACCORDING TO SCRIPTURE, we are bringing shame to Christ.  If someone weak in the faith sees a Christian drinking, smoking, cussing, watching terrible stuff, playing terrible stuff, having random sex etc etc, then they will think "see? it's okay to do that.  He/she is doing it."  The issue isn't whether a person is judging you out of self-righteousness or holding you accountable out of love.  The REAL issue is that if you can claim the name of Christ and yet do those things and DEFEND/MAKE EXCUSES, there is a serious problem.

The scripture found in Romans 14 is not referring to hypocritical judging. 
Judging : I think you are pitiful human being and deserve to go to hell.
Holding accountable : We should not be doing that as Christians.
Given how evil our hearts are and how easy it is to fall to a lie of the enemy, pray and praise God for people in your life that will actually hold you accountable rather than lead you astray.  Also, the 14th chapter in Romans is on liberties and not judging your brother according to them.  Throughout the entire bible (especially proverbs) we are always called to steer someone in the right direction in love.  Proverbs compares and contrasts the foolish vs. the wise all throughout.  Do we have the right to demand that someone season this process with grace?? Not at all.  If harshness wakes someone up (which doesn't mean without love), then praise God for people that are bold.  Pray for more people to have the gift of prophecy for it is so desperately needed in the body.

We should be self-examining daily, asking God to reveal those areas in our hearts that are not fully surrendered to Him.

The thing is is that there are so many influences from outside sources that we use as an excuse to not give those areas to Him when they are exposed.  Your Pastor and what he teaches is SO vital to a life surrendered to the Spirit.  If the person that is guiding you takes you down the wrong path, you probably won't even be able to recognize it.  You MUST test everything!  Reading, studying and memorizing scripture is absolutely neccessary to discern those things that are not of God.  If your pastor says something, seek the guidance of multiple sources (other pastors and commentaries).  The question is, What is the goal or end result of interpreting this passage this way?  If it doesn't lead you to repentance, dying to self, being led by the Spirit and focusing on Christ then it is wrong.

"Worship is a "thank you" that refuses to be silent, and we have tried to ...make a science out of it, we can't do that anymore than we can "sell love" or "negotiate peace".

Romans 12:1,2
I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service [or worship].  And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.

Questions to ask:
1) How can I be a living sacrifice?
2) How do I not be conformed to this world?
3) What does Paul mean by renewing your mind?

Worship is not saying "thank you".  Thank you is saying "thank you".  Worship is giving God the glory for merely existing.

1 comment:

  1. I see we are all still working on judging, thank you for sending me to my bible for a refresher.

    The track back to my post isn't showing up here like I thought it would.
    GodStuff/Another Man's Poison
